Translation Advice & Accessibility
Search Moves offers the following methods of support to applicants in order to access the scheme;
- Translation of the website into a huge variety of languages, powered by Google translate
- Large print is available for letters, and you can change the size of the text on the website by pressing the 'Ctrl' key and + key together, or by choosing 'text size' from the 'View' option in the tool bar. Different computers and different browsers may display these options differently. See more about changing your text size here.
- Braille
- Giving text alternatives - Where we use graphics or images to convey important information, we also present that information in text format so it can be understood by screen-readers for visually impaired people.
- Audio
- Auto bidding – If you are unable to bid yourself, or do not have anyone to help you, please contact the Search Moves Partner you are applying to / registered with for advice.
- Property Alerts – Applicants can also register to receive email alerts when properties meeting their needs are advertised, so that they do not miss out on the opportunity to bid on any properties.
- Other methods of bidding – please see the ‘How to bid’ guide for more information about bidding by text.
If there any other ways in which you require assistance, please contact the Search Moves Partner you either have, or would like to apply to, to discuss your needs.