Housing Options
The Search Moves application form is made up of 2 parts:
Part 1: Pre Assessment - This uses your answers to the questions to generate an individual action plan.
Part 2: Main application - This is the main part of the application form.
If you are already a PA Housing tenant when you complete Part 1 of the application your action plan will give you information about the services that PA Housing provides and other supporting agencies as well as other options to consider. Only applicants with an identified need to move will be accepted onto their Transfer register.
For households other than PA housing tenants you can obtain your individual action plan for Elmbridge Borough Council’s by clicking on ‘Apply Here’. This will take you to Part 1 of the relevant Council’s Search Moves application. The answers you give generate an individual action plan on the housing options that might be available to you. The information contained in the plan is based mainly upon the local services, available housing options and Allocation Policies within each local authority area.
Your action plan may indicate that you would not qualify for social housing, in which case we advise you do not complete Part 2 of the form, but consider the other options on the action plan that might be suitable for you. If you do complete Part 2 of the form your application is likely to be automatically disqualified but you can request a review if you believe that you have a reason why you should not be disqualified.
If you do qualify to join the register the information you provide in Part 2 will be used to work out your priority banding.