What is Search Moves?
Search Moves is a choice based lettings scheme provided by Elmbridge Borough Council and PA Housing. These organisations are known as the Search Moves Partners.
Search Moves is the principle way in which rented social housing in Elmbridge is allocated to housing register applicants. It is also how PA Housing allocates properties available to its transfer applicants across the wider Surrey / SW London area.
Each partner has their own Allocations Policy which set out the qualification criteria for applicants who wish to be on their Housing register and the priority given to applicants who qualify to be on it.
If you are a Key Worker looking for affordable rented accommodation you can also apply to PA Housing through Search Moves.
A2Dominion are no longer a Search Moves partner. They let properties via their own Choice Based Lettings scheme; HomeHunt. If you are an A2Dominion tenant and you wish to discuss a transfer, you can do so by contacting the Central Lettings Team on 0208 8251981. Alternatively, you can contact your chosen local authority for advice.
If you are looking for Shared Ownership properties please click below:
Spelthorne Applicants
Search Moves is currently unavailable to customers on Spelthorne’s Housing Register whilst we move to the new Homes4Spelthorne Website.
Spelthorne applicants will be contacted with details on how to set up their new Homes4Spelthorne account in the next few days. We will also put further information on the News section of the Search Moves website.
No Spelthorne properties will be advertised until September 2023. From September 2023 Spelthorne properties will be advertised on Homes4Spelthorne.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Please do not contact the office during this period. If you are going to be homeless please contact housingadvice@spelthorne.gov.uk