Understanding the Adverts
Age Restrictions
Some properties have a minimum age requirement. Age restrictions are shown by a picture icon on the advert. Do not waste your bid if you are younger than the age shown within the icon as you will not be considered for the property. If you are interested in Sheltered or Independent Living housing for older people, please see Housing Options for applicants over 55.
What do the Mobility Icons mean?
This is intended to provide a guide to people who have various levels of mobility needs. There are 3 categories indicating level of need. This does not restrict anyone else from bidding for these properties but the advert will often say that priority will be given to members with mobility needs. This means that when shortlisting, normally only applicants with these needs will be considered.
Working Households
Some properties will be advertised with a 'W' icon specifically for applicants who are workers. The definition of work is a permanent job in the Borough of Elmbridge of at least 16 hours a week and an existing contract of 12 months or more. Applicants with zero hours contracts are considered on a case-by-case basis, but an applicant must demonstrate they have worked more than 16 hours a week on average over at least the last 12 months. Self-employed applicants will also be considered on a case-by-case basis. Properties advertised with a 'W' will be prioritised by band and priority date and subject to the provision of documentary evidence to support the working status.
Properties advertised with a 'W' will be prioritised by band and priority date.
If you have a pet you will need to check for the ‘pet’ icon on an advert to know if pets are allowed. If you are offered a viewing you should still confirm with the landlord if they are happy to accept the number / type of pets you have. Many properties are not considered by Registered Providers to be suitable for pets. Most properties advertised do not have the permitted pet icon so the number of properties that will be advertised and suitable for you will be limited.
These may be communal (shared use) or private (sole use). If they are shared use there is likely to be a service charge for the maintenance of these. Sole use gardens will be your responsibility to properly maintain.
Number of Occupants
The icons show the minimum and maximum number of people suitable for each property. If your household falls outside of this range you may not be able to place a bid.
H/ T labels on adverts
Tenants of Registered Providers as well as those who are private tenants or have no tenancy e.g. living with friends or family are registered as Homeseekers on the Housing Register. Most properties advertised will be open to all and will display the H label. However, a limited number of adverts may have some restriction to balance the needs of those who are social housing tenants with those who are not. If a restriction is to be in place this will be featured in the advert.
Photos on adverts
Where an advert features a photograph it may only show typical properties in the advertised block or street. Please do not contact occupants or contractors working in these buildings or knock on the door as the current tenant may still be in occupation.
Key to Advert Symbols
Available for homeseekers only
Available for transferring tenants only
Available for key workers only
Working Households
Affordable Rent
This shows the property has a lift
This shows the property has no lift
Mobility Group 1 – Suitable for wheelchair user indoors and outdoors (defined by symbol and white bar)
Mobility Group 2 – Suitable for people who cannot manage steps or stairs and may use a wheelchair some of the day (defined by symbol and white bar)
Mobility Group 3 – Suitable for people only able to manage 1 or 2 steps or stairs (defined by symbol and white bar)
Property designed for people this age or above

Minimum and maximum number of people who can live in property

Floor level of property, if flat or maisonette

Number of bedrooms in the property

Pets allowed
Pets not allowed
If there is a shared garden this will normally be stated in the advert